Daring Mystery 8

Wow. Now I’m hunting down an original.

Daring Mystery #8 (January 1942) art by Jack Kirby

Daring Mystery had a rather sporadic schedule.

Issue #7 came out seven months after the previous issue and it would take an additional nine months for #8 to be released. What a difference an issue made. Daring Mystery #6 was produced shortly after Simon and Kirby started working for Timely. It included a Fiery Mask story, a hero Joe Simon created for Timely as a freelance artist when he had just started in the comic book business. DM #7 came out shortly after Captain America #1, Simon and Kirby’s first big hit. Issue #8 came out the same month as Cap #10, after which Simon and Kirby moved on to working for DC.

Props to kirbymuseum.org