Divergent + Convergent Ideas

Ideas Worth Sharing? Obviously that’s an improved TED’s tag line but it got us thinking about ‘lens’ and ‘filters’ on what we share, to whom and why, especially in this twitter frenzy world. Concepts like ‘pass it forward’ are certainly nice gestures to the community. Keep it simple/smart is our philosophy, ask yourself today how to be USEFUL, with your relationships, your designs, to your users, now step it up, ask yourself how to be VALUABLE?

Tim Brown (IDEO) talking about PLAY and CREATIVITY. In essence: It’s the need for playful ideas to firstly branch out in large quantities before rightfully converging, revealing deeper insights and sparks of excitement. His talk about the need for PLAY is a central theme of IDEO. This really is a philosophy that accidental experiments happen during the course of designing, which spark new ideas, which lead to better big picture thinking. I wish Tim had cited more frames of reference to fully bake this idea into more tangible terms. Great talk.

David MacKinnon view on creativity

Full disclosure: Tim taught as a guest lecturer on our RCA CRD course in London.

Mind Map

Branson Mind Map

David Kelly IDEO introduced mind maps in his book (see his diagram below in comments). Here’s a mind map for billionaire Richard Branson who’s very public persona helps make this relevant. Excuse the clip art gone wild.

A mind map is a diagram used to visually outline information. A mind map is often created around a single word or text, placed in the center.

Brandon’s focus on adventuring and daring earn him top respect.

Major categories radiate from a central node, and lesser categories are sub-branches of larger branches.Categories can represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items related to a central key word or idea. Mindmaps can be drawn by hand, either as “rough notes” during a lecture or meeting, for example, or as higher quality pictures when more time is available. An example of a rough mind map is illustrated.

Mind maps

Mind Map IDEO

David Kelley, founder of IDEO uses mind maps to foster creativity.

“When I want to do something analytical, I make a list. When I’m trying to come up with ideas or strategize, I make a mind map. Mind maps are organic and allow me to free associate. They are great for asking questions and revealing connections between seemingly unrelated ideas.”

Full size graphic here