Actor George Clooney is arrested during a demonstration outside the Embassy of Sudan March 16, 2012 in Washington, DC. United to End Genocide, the Enough Campaign and Amnesty International held a rally to call on the United States and world leaders to stop the violence in South Sudan and prevent hundreds of thousands of people from starving. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)
“The leaders of Uganda and Rwanda are also committing horrible acts of murder and rape, but since they are regarded as allies by the U.S. and are friendly to corporate exploitation, we are not seeing this kind of criticism for their governments by our politicians. All over the world–Honduras, Bahrain, the list goes on and on–we see America supporting dictatorships who commit these same awful crimes against humanity.
I sincerely appreciate the courage of George Clooney and the others, and I am certain that they truly care about the people suffering in Southern Sudan; however, a greater achievement would be for these efforts such as ‘Invisible Children’ and ‘Enough Project’ to demonstrate in front of American embassies and demand that the American empire pull out of Africa.
The debt and fostering of conflicts which we have placed in Africa are resulting in the modern equivalent of the Holocaust. The American embassy in Congo recently had Congolese women beaten and arrested by the police, the America did nothing to stop it or even condemn it; in fact, the guns that the police used to shoot and kill fleeing demonstrators were provided by the U.S. But since the false regime of the Congo is friendly to oil and mineral corporations, we aren’t hearing about it in our mainstream media.
American leaders would be tried in the ICC if we didn’t have so much influence over it. Rather than cherry-picking from a list of bad dictators, I would encourage everyone here to support the freeing of developing countries from IMF debt and from western corporate and military influence and to help foster independent democracies and economies in these countries.”
I love George Clooney for his classic good looks and his efforts toward humanity. He and so many other celebrities are trying to bring awareness to issues that really matter. This is just sad, but I’m glad to see that he’s bringing attention to something that’s so important in the world.