Useful, usable, delightful

“Useful, usable, delightful” are three words that inspire every project. Great article with James Hilton, Chief creative officer, AKQA in this Guardian article about design.

I would add – classical designs aspire to be timeless for decades, whereas websites design aspires, at best, to stand for a few months. That’s where modern digital design has it’s challenges from evolving the methods.

One Reply to “Useful, usable, delightful”

  1. Three words define an great project: Useful. Usable. Delightful.

    Our projects are driven by great ideas and stories that our clients and their audience can engage with, by innovating with technologies that are relevant and accessible.

    James goes on to say, ‘What that means is that we find new ways to use media types that people are already comfortable using to deliver them an experience they weren’t expecting and which changes a behavior.’

    I admire storytellers; those who can engage and captivate through whichever medium is most relevant to their audience. The people who inspire me today, have always inspired me; Apple, Pixar, Bang & Olufsen and Baz Luhrmann. All of these people innovate, none of them emulate. They do not seek the approval of their peers, they create on their terms. Brilliant.

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