British Special Forces

Incredible footage. Stealth/surprise remains one of the most valued tactics of these small special forces units. Watch how intelligence teams track the operations from high in the sky.

British Special Forces in Afghanistan. It’s a rare glimpse to watch these team warriors slug it out. The faces are blurred out to protect the identities of these covert soldiers.

6 Replies to “British Special Forces”

  1. During the commentary you’ll hear the line “Unmistakably British accents” The only thing I could hear was that rye Northern gruff voice say “Right chuff, mate…bang bang…” Sounds like an average day at the office for the blokes from 22 squadron.

  2. Hi Dan – Could I speak to you briefly about a Park Slope question? I’m at 646-385-4970 or lalbrecht [at] dnainfo [dot] com. Thanks, Leslie Albrecht, Park Slope reporter for DNAinfo.

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