

Farnborough Airport Building, England, UK by REID architecture

Farnborough Airport Building

Farnborough Airport Building, England, UK by REID architecture.

“TAG Aviation’s customer experience is one of ‘comfort, quality and excellence’ “says Matthew Bedward, Design Director at REID architecture.

“The challenge for us was to realise a design that delivers a high quality customer environment that creates a memorable visual and spatial excitement appropriate to TAG (Techniques de Avante garde) Aviation’s cutting edge reputation for technological and service excellence.”

Farnborough is the historic site of the world famous air show. REID architecture has created a ‘theatre of aviation’, with grandstand views of the dynamic activities of the airport, yet maintaining a functionality and intimacy of scale appropriate for the privacy often demanded by the client’s customers. “Our aim,” stated Matthew Bedward, “was to create a building, which picks up on and reflects the technology and beauty of aircraft”.The 5,000sqm building is designed as a two storey office and operations ‘wing’ clad in mill finished aluminium shingles ‘hovering’ over a fully glazed ground floor of customer lounges, conferencing and entrances.

The main atrium is a 3 dimensional oval bowl pace that appears to peel away from the external skin of the building. This complex space is the heart of the building and provides a processional circulation route for all passenger facilities, offices and operations areas. Its sculptural nature creates an open, fluid and welcoming introduction to TAG Aviation’s service.

Side View of Airport

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